Saturday, January 19, 2019

Someone New

Several years ago, I met the first two of my now several Spirit Guides. Bear and Ferret first appeared to me in a vision and over the years that followed I’ve met other Spirit Guides-Sparrow, Stag, Swan, Lion and Snake. Bat and Jaguar came along too. Later, Eagle flew into my spiritual zoo, as I refer to them collectively.

Admittedly, I haven’t been working with them as much as I should be, or would like to and lately something tells me someone else is pecking their way into my life. Or they have been there all along and I’ve just not been paying attention. Recently, I’ve noticed many coincidental references, signs, and appearances of this particular potential new Spirit Guide.

It all started when I was searching through the internet and somehow was drawn (led?) to a website for a new tarot deck, the Crow Tarot. This deck won’t be released until mid-winter 2019, but when I saw the deck, I felt compelled to pre-order it. And before I knew it, I had.

I must admit I’ve always been drawn more to ravens than crows. When I was younger and began studying Native Americans in third grade, I was captivated more by the cultures of the US Pacific Northwest, the Canadian Southwest and Southeast Alaska than by the other cultures we studied. I was especially fascinated by their legends featuring Raven as a trickster. Maybe Raven has been hovering around me since then waiting for me to awaken.

Crows and Ravens are distinct species and it’s often difficult to tell them apart at first glance. There’s something about the tail, wing feathers, beak, hackles, calls and size. Oh, and habitat also matters; even though their habitats can overlap, ravens are less likely to be found in populated urban areas, whereas crows can be.

Both species are considered among the most intelligent of the bird family. Both species have been observed using tools to acquire food and they have also been seen taking food from campers' unattended, but closed, backpacks.

Spiritually, they are also very similar. Across cultures, traditionally they have been associated with death, magic, mystery, and transformation. At one point, Crow and Raven were believed to escort souls to the other side and therefore were seen as messengers of death. Today, they are seen as an indicator that one’s life is going through a transformation, a metaphorical death, so to speak. Because of their association with magic and mystery, they also can represent intuition and foresight. Both are keen observers and learn by watching, and therefore remind us to watch, be patient, to learn from our surroundings and adapt. 

One of the key differences between them is that crows are more social than ravens, so a crow Spirit Guide would suggest finding one’s own flock, where a raven Spirit Guide could suggest a more solitary life path.

As I began to sense Raven around me more, I looked back for any connection I might have missed. 

I recognized my long fascination with Raven in mythology, particularly Pacific Northwest coast mythology. Recently, I discovered Odin had two ravens, Hugin and Munin, as his companions and they served as his eyes and ears over other Norse gods and humans. Apollo had a white raven as a companion and when the bird brought news of Apollo’s love interest being unfaithful, he burned the bird’s feathers black in rage. Fickle is the temper of a spurned god. 

In my studies of the tarot, I was drawn to the works of another reader, Raven Mardirosian, who wrote a wonderful book which resonated deeply with me. The Reluctant Tarot Reader, Adventures in the Gypsy Trade tells of her life venturing into the tarot and healing business. I’ve read a couple of her other books, and I now follow her pages on Facebook and Instagram and we comment back and forth once in a while. 

In the Harry Potter stories, I felt I would have been sorted into Ravenclaw house, whose symbol, ironically isn’t a raven but an eagle. Go figure. But, Eagle is also a very powerful totem or spirit guide, so I won’t complain. I just wish those who market the merchandise would get it right. Fickle is the temperament of a hardcore fan.

Often, I will acquire some charm, token or talisman to help connect with a Spirit Guide. Even though it’s not a requirement, it is often helpful. I started looking for something with a raven on it. I found so many options but nothing reached out and grabbed me, except the soon-to-be-released tarot deck. Very early one morning, when the thoughts of whatever was floating around in my subconscious woke me up, I went to do some writing on my computer. (They say if you can’t sleep, then leave the room for a while, occupy yourself, then go back and try to sleep again. It usually works for me.) All of a sudden I recalled a charm of a raven I had purchased years ago. I returned to my room and found it in one of the drawers where I keep my charms and rings. I guess I’ve been connected to Raven for a while, but just unaware. Maybe it was that tarot deck that spurred me on.

Ravens are not known to live in the LA area, too urban for them, I guess. But, there are crows in my neighborhood. I’ve been wanting one to come and visit my yard. I have seen and heard them on my roof, sometimes banging on the crown of my chimney. Occasionally, I’ll see them on the roof of the neighbor’s house behind me. Finally the other day, as I was working in my office, I saw some branches in my ficus tree rustling like something was in there. I’ve seen sparrows, finches, doves and the occasional jay roosting in there but this was something different. After all, sparrows, finches, doves and the occasional jay can’t make the tree move that much! After a bit, I did see some black wings fluttering about in the tree. A crow had landed there! Unfortunately, it did not stay long. Damn. Birds can be so flighty.

I don’t know where this connection with Raven will take me, but knowing Raven’s reputation for being a trickster, it will definitely prove interesting!

As will learning the new tarot deck!

Friday, January 11, 2019

A Look Ahead

Here we are in another new year. 

A new year means new beginnings, new ideas, new things to try.

So, I tried something new.

On January 1, I sat down with my preferred Tarot deck-the New Palladini-and grounded myself. I shuffled the deck, cut it, and laid out twelve cards, one for each month, in a clock pattern, with the card for January in the 1 o’clock position and continued all the way to December at 12 o’clock. I turned the deck over for the shadow card, the one underneath everything else. It would represent the overall theme for the year. I placed the deck in the center where the hands on an analog clock would be.

I did a quick overview to get a general feel for the spread and potential year ahead. I know that one card to represent 28-31 days is a lot to ask of a piece of paper, and other factors can still come up during the month, but as a general long term lesson for the month, I feel it's not too much. Or perhaps I can look at it as an area for me to work on. As a goal, not a prediction.

Many tarot readers and the public at large perceive certain cards as inherently positive or negative. And the imagery in a card can certainly lend to that perception; yet every card has both a light and shadow side, for one cannot exist without the other. In my quick overview, admittedly I was relieved to see only two cards that are generally perceived as negative or unfavorable; the Two and Eight of Swords which aren’t even that bad. And even one of those, the 8, was reversed, suggesting I look at its light side! So, my initial assessment was I was in for a potentially good year.

What also struck me as intriguing was that the cards seemed to come up in themes. The first half of the year appeared to be smooth sailing or learning with some challenges coming up in the second half. That doesn’t mean something won’t come up in the first half, but overall nothing terribly heavy. And I'm keeping in mind this is a map of my year, or suggested areas of growth, not a prediction.

Judgment, the 8 of Swords Reversed, and the Hanged Man together suggest that from January through March, I will be facing judgments either from others or, more likely from myself. With those Judgments in mind I should, or will be, freeing myself from those judgments or restraints of the 8 of Swords Reversed, and continue to let go of them, surrendering to the what is via the Hanged Man. With Judgment and the Hanged Man both being Major Arcana cards, that will be one heavy quarter. But, in a good way. Lots of continued personal growth. 

The next quarter looks the most interesting. Material, prosperity and emotion are the themes here. April and May have the 10 and King of Pentacles respectively, with June carrying the 9 of Cups. Some readers see the 10 of Pentacles as a happiness card as it typically depicts a family, often multiple generations. In this deck, it shows a couple staring off into the distance at a castle. The King of Pentacles represents a faithful provider, possible abundance, and is generous with what he’s accumulated. The 9 of Cups suggests satisfaction, gratitude and wishes coming true. So, lots of happiness, abundance, prosperity and satisfaction. Sounds good. Bring it!

Summer is where we get the first signs of uh-oh. The 7 of Rods in July suggests challenges, standing my ground. I may have to get defensive over some decisions I’ll be making. August brings the Knight of Cups Reversed followed by the 2 of Swords in September. Some emotional confusion, or withdrawal, maybe due to something I’m not seeing or possibly resisting. 

The last quarter was the most challenging for me to interpret as all three cards came up reversed, which isn’t always a bad thing. 

October has the 4 of Pentacles Reversed which could suggest a loosening of control over material goods or money. Will I continue purging things I no longer need or begin overspending? Or following the emotional issues in August/September, will I become overprotective? The 9 of Rods Reversed in November might suggest I could be wondering about how much more I can go on. Do I have the stamina? While the Hermit Reversed in December could suggest less introspection, less time on my own and getting more “out there” or further introspection, possible isolation. Yet, for some reason that doesn’t resonate. Maybe by December I will have faced all my judgments and put everything to rest. After all, if this shows what could happen as a possible outcome, I still have free will to make my own choices or changes. 

The theme, or shadow, card was the Page of Rods. In general, the pages can represent learning opportunities, and this page suggests being more creative, passionate, taking action. So, this will be a year of creativity, following my passions and taking more action. 

I’m still getting used to using different spreads and seeing how accurate people tell me my readings for them are. 

So, it will be interesting to see how well this plays out.

Stay tuned. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

A Cheerful Giver

I spent most of my teen years in fundamental Baptist churches. I even tried to remain religious through my turbulent coming out years. That didn’t go well. Not the coming out, though that had its moments; but, the remaining religious part. I eventually became more spiritual which is quite different. 

I remember many of the principles from my religious indoctrination, one of them being “God loves a cheerful giver” which was often said as the offering plates were being passed around. I doubt that was any coincidence, maybe to encourage the indoctrinated to give more, or at least to feel more cheerful about what we were able to give. 

I have since come to believe more in a Universal energy than some deity sitting somewhere wanting to be worshipped. I’ve also come to believe our energies create our reality, or perhaps our perception of it. I think of it as a mindset. Walt Disney once said, “if you can dream it, you can do it.” And Henry Ford also said, “if you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

Karma even gets into it here with the “what goes around, comes around threefold” ideology; treat people with kindness and the universe will respond in kind and vice versa times three. The trouble with this karma thing is that karma works on its own timetable. 

I feel we could extend this mindset idea to other matters as well. 

For example, in dating situations, if we believe all men or women are dishonest, we will attract men or women who are dishonest. In our material world, if we maintain a poverty mindset, we will remain in poverty. 

I do feel badly for those who are in need and try to help when I can. And when I do help, I try to do it cheerfully, not out of  guilt, exasperation or a feeling of “If I give you a dollar, will you shut up and go away?”

Nor do I help with the idea of expecting a karmic benefit, meaning that for every dollar I cheerfully offer someone I don’t expect three in return. Karma doesn’t work like that. I believe karma looks at your intention. If you do something positive with the intention of being rewarded for it, karma says no because it's not coming from the heart. Expectations are planned disappointments, even karmic ones. Yes, even karma loves a cheerful giver. 

Speaking of cheerful givers, I had an odd experience the other day right before Christmas.

I went shopping and as I was entering the store, a woman exited. “I don’t have any money for groceries,” she said, “Could you please help?”

I quickly gave her the once over; her hair was pulled back into a bun, she had on some makeup, her clothes were neat and clean, though why all that registered with me, I don't know. I then caught myself remembering I don’t need to know why she was in this predicament. Maybe she still had a job and a roof over her head, but just needed money for food for the holidays due to reasons unknown to me. I caught myself for being a bit judgmental and reached for my wallet. I pulled out a dollar, handed it to her and prepared to go on my way. Yet there was something in her energy that still left me uneasy.

“Could you make it a twenty?” She asked. 

My immediate thought was “WTF?”, snapped “No!” and considered taking my dollar back due to an apparent lack of gratitude, but didn’t. So much for being a cheerful giver. 

On one hand she had some nerve to ask for more, on the other hand she had the right to ask. Yet, not once did she mention children to add credence or guilt to her plight. 

I continued with my shopping, exited the store, whereupon she asked me once again for money. 

“I already gave you some” I answered curtly, still irritated about the ‘make it a twenty’ issue and that she apparently forgot that I had just given her money a few moments before.

“Oh, thank you.”

As I walk this path, I try to react without judgment, but I am human as well. I find myself reviewing, rehashing and rethinking overthinking things.

Actually, I need to learn not to react which is very hard. 

Therapists say the major part of our stress and anxiety lies in how we react to or perceive events.

Which makes it all the more important not to react.
